Bacic Bed Art Bedroom Door Open in the Dark

You would accept come beyond a lot of people who follow Vastu Shastra principles. They say, Vastu tin assistance yous optimise your living space and life and help you stay positive. Even those who are not firm believers of the principles of Vastu Shastra, tend to follow information technology, one time they understand the kind of arrangement and utility of spaces that Vastu helps them implement.

I of the almost important personal spaces in your house is your sleeping room. Let us come across how Vastu can catechumen it into a identify of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation.

"Vastu Shatra is the Indian cosmic science of architecture and it helps create a harmonious environment to set upwards one'southward life for wealth, happiness and harmony. It'southward all near creating a rhythm and residual to ensure a better life," reveals Mumbai-based Nitien Parmar, a Vastu consultant and author of books on the subject.

As per the ancient principles of Vastu Shastra, the Vastu direction for sleeping that is considered all-time is the southward direction. That is, the head should exist towards the due south and anxiety towards the n when you sleep. Hither is a complete guide to designing a bedroom, including useful guidelines for sleeping positions recommended in Vastu.

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Vastu for Chamber: Bed direction and placement as per Vastu

Co-ordinate to Vastu, the right direction of the bedroom should exist the s-w corner of the house. The ideal bed management equally per Vastu is with the head towards the s or eastward and so that the legs are towards north or west direction while sleeping.

The bed placement according to Vastu in the master chamber is important as it influences the sleep quality and health of the family. The sleeping position as per Vastu in the chief sleeping accommodation is either the south or the westward. The bed should exist placed confronting the wall in the south or the westward so that your legs point towards the north or the eastward when y'all lie down.

The bed position, according to Vastu, in the guest room tin have its caput towards the west. Also, it is best if your bed is made of wood. Metal can create negative vibrations.  To encourage togetherness, a couple should slumber on 1 single mattress and not join ii dissever mattresses.

Avert bed placement in the corner of the bed room equally this prevents positive energy from flowing freely.  The bed position in bedroom as per Vastu should be along the central office of the wall so that there's enough space to motion around.

bedroom vastu


Vastu shastra for sleeping room: Best bedroom direction as per Vastu for every member of the family

Best direction to sleep

"Ideally, the bedroom at s-west brings adept health and prosperity for the home owner and enhances longevity. Avoid a bedroom in the north-eastward or south-east zone of the house. The due south-east bedroom placement as per Vastu may event in quarrels amidst the couple. The sleeping room in the n-eastward may cause a health issue. The children'due south sleeping room is best in the due east or north-west zone of the house," says Parmar.

Also, a bedchamber in the north is considered lucky for everyone. It is peculiarly very fortunate for young students who are looking for job or business opportunities. Similarly, a chamber in the due east will give them a precipitous intellect and will assist them excel in studies.

The bed in the room should always exist rectangular or square in shape. Avert circular or oval-shaped beds. According to Vastu, the mattress on your double bed should be a single i (double-sized), in stead of 2 single mattresses. Besides ensure that the bed is made of wood.

Never place your bedroom in the centre of the house, as this is the 'Brahmasthan', the source of free energy. The centre has a constant vibrational forcefulness and this goes confronting the basic part of a bedroom, which is to provide residuum.

According to Vastu for a harmonious relationship, the wife should sleep to the left side of her married man.

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Sleeping direction as per Vastu

Management of legs while sleeping Benefit
East Reputation and wealth
West Harmony and spiritualism
North Prosperity and opulence

As per the aboriginal principles of Vastu Shastra, the Vastu direction for sleeping that is considered best is the due south direction. That is, the head should be towards the due south and feet towards the northward when you slumber. Here is a complete guide to designing a bedroom, including useful guidelines for sleeping positions recommended in Vastu. It is considered the ideal sleep position in Vastu if you lot want to have long, quality sleep. Also, sleeping with your feet to the n attracts proficient luck and fortune.

Alternatively, you tin pick a sleeping position with feet pointing to the east every bit per Vastu, equally it results in increase in wealth and recognition. People keeping their head directed towards the north are unlikely to get peaceful, sound sleep.

Avoid sleeping with your legs in the south direction, because information technology will prevent you from getting sound sleep. Southern direction is for the Lord of death and should be avoided. It may also lead to illnesses of the listen.

Sleeping direction vastu


Run across besides: Which management to sleep as per Vastu Shastra

Vastu shastra for bedroom: Bed and bedding organisation

Your bed should e'er have a headrest. Avert a bed in the room that is irregular in shape or even round or oval-shaped. A square or rectangular-shaped bed is ever good in this regard.

Bedding should exist either pinkish or in shades of red, as it signifies romance and passion. Throws and duvets tin be in red, while the bed sheets and covers can exist pink, for a balance of colours.

Vastu for bedroom ceilings

The height of the sleeping room ceiling should be ideally 10 feet information technology should not be likewise low as information technology tin can lead to poor circulation of air. Avoid false ceiling design which is asymmetrical or has pointed triangles hanging from the false ceiling every bit this tin can cause mental stress and sleeplessness. A ceiling that is higher at the centre and lowers at the corners is also considered good. Mirrors should never exist used on the ceiling designs as they can reflect the bed. Every bit per the Vastu ceiling should be in white or whatever lite shade as it attracts positive energy and leads to placidity. Avoid a skylight ceiling in the bedroom as it can disturb the peaceful sleep, instead go in for soothing and relaxing lights.

Vastu Shastra for sleeping room with fastened bath

In mod apartments, homes toilets and bathrooms are usually fastened with the bedroom due to convenience and space constraints. Co-ordinate to Vastu, if the bath is located in the incorrect direction, it can cause wellness and financial problems. According to Vastu when the bath is fastened to the bedroom, the bedroom or master bedroom should exist situated in the South-Due west direction of the house the other apt directions are South or West. Ensure that the door of the bathroom is kept closed, as the open bath door may touch the aureola of the sleeping room negatively. As well, beds should not be placed close to the bathroom or toilet space. In a minor apartment if this is not possible modify the position of your bed such that it does non recline against the bath wall in the bedroom, as recommended in Vastu, and so every bit to avoid negative energy. A bath flooring must be at least one or ii anxiety above the ground level as compared to the bedroom flooring.

Also read: Bathroom and toilet management as per Vastu

Vastu tips for the sleeping room


Never keep a window open up behind your head, when sleeping.


Go on the door of the fastened toilet close, when not in employ. Bedrooms should not have doors that creak – set it equally before long every bit possible.

Dressing table

A dressing tabular array can be placed next to the bed according to Vastu as the mirror does not reflect the body when 1 sleeps. Ane can also keep the mirror covered with a curtain if it is opposite the bed. As per Vaastu, for a chamber in the due west, keep the dressing table along the north, south, or east wall. If the bedroom is in the north, keep the dressing tabular array in the north/north-west. Never keep it in the south-due east or south-westward wall.

Let out negative energy

Mop the floor at to the lowest degree once a calendar week with body of water salt added to the water as it removes negative energy. It is one of the simplest and all-time chamber Vastu ideas to create a positive ambient in the house.

Bed box

Do non keep unwanted clutter under your bed or in the bed box. If yous have a bed box storage, go along it organised. Never keep cleaved clocks, toys, old bedsheets, etc., in the bed box. According to Vastu Shastra, whatever you shop in the bed box has an influence on the quality of sleep.

Kind of mattress

Utilize a single mattress even on a double bed in your bedroom, especially if it is the couple's bed. Do not keep extra pillows on the bed.


Utilize light coloured bed sheets that are pink, lite majestic, biscuit,  stake light-green, white or brown equally they aid one unwind. Avoid likewise many geometrical designs in black or blue colour on bedsheets. A couple should opt for soothing pinkish, peach or subtle ruddy motifs in bedcovers.

Almirah placement and colours

Recall to follow Vastu guidelines for master bedroom wardrobe or other storage cabinets in bedrooms. If you have an almirah, it should be placed in the south/westward wall. As per Vastu Shastra for wardrobe, cash and jewellery must be kept in the northward direction, as this is the management of Lord Kubera. Wardrobe doors should never face the toilet wall or toilet seat. The colours of the almirah or wardrobe should be light, such equally pale yellow, white, cream, beige, or light grey. Avoid night colours as they absorb negative energy. The almirah or main bedroom wardrobe should be fabricated of iron and forest and non marble. Opt for a wardrobe in square or rectangular shape and a single-door design.  The proper arrangement of the clothes should be done regularly and any unused, torn clothes should be discarded to avoid any ataxia. Place the cash locker in front end of the North door of the almirah and the jewellery should exist kept towards the w or the southward direction.

Placement of bed in the room

South/west walls are the all-time to place your bed. If you are unable to do that, ensure a four-inch distance between the wall and the bed. According to Vastu position the bed in a style that in that location are no windows backside the headrest of the bed as it can disturb the slumber. Ensure that the bed is non placed right opposite the door of the chief bedroom.

Sleeping accommodation for kids

Equally per Vastu, the child's room must be synthetic in the west zone of the home, with the door facing east, to welcome positive energies and happiness in the bedroom. Remember, the door of the bedroom should open clockwise. Too, avert hanging signs on the door every bit they foster negative free energy similar assailment and fights betwixt children and their parents. Avoid keeping the bed in front of the entrance of the room. Ensure that the child's chamber has no precipitous edges that block the catamenia of energy. Empty spaces and wooden furniture have a positive upshot on the energy of the bed room. The study table should face up east or north to aid in retention and concentration. Go on a crystal pyramid or belfry to actuate the flow of positive free energy and enhance good luck.  The ideal shape of the table is square or rectangle. For good vibes in the kid's room, Vastu suggests hanging a picture of a ascension Sun, Lord Ganesha or Saraswati. One can likewise brandish the medals, trophies, etc. won by the child on the South wall. Children should refrain from eating on the bed as it invites negative energy. Do not place shoes or slippers under the tabular array in the bedroom as information technology leads to a lack of concentration.

Colours for the sleeping room

Earthy colours such every bit almond shades are some of the all-time bedroom colours for the walls. Avert using the black and nighttime blueish colour of bed sheets, curtains, carpets in children's bedrooms according to Vastu equally they can stir up disturbing emotions in a child and can cause health issues.

See likewise: A guide to choosing Vastu colors for bedroom

Clear clutter in the chamber

Also, do not proceed things that have non been used for years such every bit clocks, watches, electronic equipment, cleaved artefacts or machinery, in your bedroom. Clutter disturbs the energy menstruation and creates disharmony in the house, she explains. "In the bedroom, avoid water fountains, aquariums and paintings of war scenes and unmarried women."

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Aromatherapy has a powerful impact on the senses and can be used to heighten the romantic environs of the bedroom. Fresh flowers are the best mood enhancers as they spread positive vibes in the sleeping room.

Place an indoor plant similar the Peace Lily in the bedroom to create a soothing temper. Smells and aromas can be very powerful and tin uplift the mood and spirit. And so, make certain your room smells fresh; go on aromatic candles, diffusers or potpourri in your sleeping accommodation. Use refreshing jasmine or lavender fragrances.

Courtesy Desphande, couples might want to heed this advice – keep two rose quartz hearts in the due south-due west corner of your bedroom. Information technology will add happy energy to your life.

Banish devices from the bedroom

Anything that disturbs the calm of the bedroom has no place here. Hence, no television. If y'all must have one, brand sure it is placed at a reasonable distance from your bed. "The TV screen should not work as a mirror contrary the bed.

"Avoid a computer in the sleeping room, or at least altitude information technology with a segmentation. Computers and mobile phones are loftier electro stress instruments and the frequencies from cell phones, computers and TVs emit harmful radiation, advises Parmar.

A sleeping accommodation should exist used to spend leisure time as it is a room to rest. Reading, writing or listening to music or whatsoever hobby yous have, can be done in the sleeping room. This increases the positive aura in this room. To let the energy flow through, go on the doors and windows open up for fifteen to twenty minutes daily.

Vastu tips for a adept dark's sleep

  • Do not sleep with your head facing the door as this may cause you to have nightmares.
  • If the bed in the room is nether a beam, this may lead to you having disturbed sleep.
  • Practise non place the water jug placed in the South-Due east direction as this may cause sleeplessness.
  • Nighttime-coloured piece of furniture in the sleeping room is not recommended.
  • Never exit the door of a wash infinite/fastened bathroom open up during the night.

Master bedroom Vastu: Who should sleep in the master bedroom?

Equally per Vastu, just married couples should occupy the master bedroom, if it is a family unit that consists of married couples and other members who are unmarried. A regular-shaped bedchamber is meliorate than i with cuts and shapes made to beautify the await of the room.

Vastu for bedroom


Vastu tips for bedroom: Home office and bookshelf placement

Every bit a part of Vastu principles, bookshelves or office desks should exist placed in the west or s-west corner. Information technology is advisable to create zones or spaces within the chamber, to separate work and personal life. The workstation must  be kept in such a way that the person sitting on the table faces the eastward, north or north-east direction. Vastu suggests using a rectangular or foursquare-shaped desk. Make sure your habitation office is spacious, clutter -free and has sufficient air and low-cal. Practice not work while sitting on the bed.

Employ a bit of white in the class of a side table, if you do not desire to pigment the walls white. White symbolises peace, freedom and calm.

For a south-w facing bedroom, yous can use brown curtains, as brown stands for world. Dark-brown gives a feeling of stability.

Vastu tips for sleeping accommodation with balcony

According to Vastu ideally, the balcony should be in the Eastern or Northern parts of the bedroom. Avoid rounded balconies equally they create numerous problems for the occupants. A swing tin be placed in the East-West axis. Illuminate the balcony well for positivity. Small plants can be kept in the North, Due east or North-East direction of the balcony. The grill of the balcony should ever be rust complimentary. Do non cake the flow of energy in the balcony by keeping unwanted things.

Vastu tips for bedroom lights

According to Vastu sunlight has a profound outcome on the positivity of the room. Permit the bedchamber bask in natural light for some time in a solar day. Fluorescent lights and overhead spotlights are useful from a functional point of view. However, task-lighting triggers your mind to go into a task-mode. Opt for a few fixtures with warm lights for mood-lighting in the bedroom. Also have dimmers, to adjust the intensity. Play effectually with light for illumination, reflection and bling, to create a romantic and soothing ambiance. Faulty lighting fixtures or fused bulbs should be repaired immediately.

Ensure that the lighting in the chamber is either evenly distributed or overhead. If possible, endeavor and go along light fittings positioned along the northward and east walls, as lite emanating from the north-east represents prosperity.

Vastu for couples

Your bed in the primary sleeping accommodation should be in the southward region or south-west just never between the two. This causes failures in relationships. For a smooth relationship, the married woman must sleep on the left side of her married man. Besides, annotation that the due north-e side of your room must not be cluttered.

If yous are interested in keeping showpieces or art, make sure that you exercise not keep solitary items, such as a single beast or a solitary bird. Always continue them in pairs, such as a pair of doves or even platonic couples like Goddess Lakshmi and Narayana.

For a peaceful bedroom according to Vastu, avoid pictures depicting war scenes, demons, owls, hawks, or vultures. Instead, keep images of deer, swans or parrots. Display photographs, posters, souvenirs and knick-knacks from fun excursions and family trips that remind yous of adept times. For a happy married life, a couple must not keep single or solo artifacts in the sleeping room. Instead, continue a pair of hearts, ducks, love birds, doves, pictures of Radha Krishna, etc., which symbolise love. For newly married couples, it is advised to not accept marble flooring in the bedroom.

Vastu and pregnancy

A couple that sleeps in the n-east chamber, as per Vastu, may observe information technology difficult to excogitate or if they practise somewhen, it may end up in a miscarriage. It is also believed that in one case a woman conceives, the couple should not inhabit the south-east bedroom, because there is too much heat in this room.

Vastu for senior citizens bedroom

Blueprint the senior citizens sleeping accommodation in soothing shades of xanthous, white, greenish, or blue. The sleeping accommodation of the caput of the family should be located in the southwest or due south. Retired senior citizens can apply a room in the northeast, east or n also. The head of the bed should be in the east direction or South. Books should be kept on a shelf in the West. Place table and chair for reading, writing, knitting painting etc in the northwest corner. Go on medicines on a shelf that is placed midway between the due north and northeast.

Vastu for guest bedroom

According to Vastu, the invitee bedroom should be in the northwest. As for the bed placement, the south or west part of the room is preferred. The due south is the ideal sleeping direction i.due east. the head should be towards the south. Ensure that there is no beam over the bed. The guest should feel proficient vibrations and energy while staying at one place Cupboards should exist prepare on the Due south or the Due west wall of the guest room, according to Vastu Shastra. According to Vastu, light shades of white, blue, and light-green are recommended for the guest room equally they lead to calmness. Avoid using dark shades every bit it makes the room expect small and as well attracts negativity. The door of the bathroom should not exist the contrary of the bed.

Mirror placement in the sleeping accommodation as per Vastu

Mirrors are thought to bounce energy around the bedroom, which may event in restlessness and amplify worries. Information technology is especially important not to hang a mirror on the wall opposite your bed. Also be careful where you fix your dressing table, assuming it has a mirror. Similarly, if yous are designing your primary bedroom, mirrors wardrobes should exist kept as per Vastu rules.

According to Vastu, avoid a mirror in front of your bed as the reflection of one's sleeping body in a mirror is inauspicious. So, brand sure the bed position in the bedroom is as per Vastu principles. The dressing table must be placed in the north or east wall.

You can just cover the mirror facing your bed with a cloth, and then that it does not reflect you and your bed.

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What color paint to use in the bedroom

Ideally, paint your bedroom off-white, baby pink or cream. Avert nighttime colours. According to Vastu, the bedroom of a newly-married couple should be designed with colours such as pinkish, stake blue or soothing yellowish. The children's bedchamber can exist washed up in green (which represents growth) or yellow (for happiness and aiding studies).

Bedroom colours as per vastu


Run across too: Wall colour ideas for your home

All-time bedroom plants as per Vastu

If yous want to add some greenery to your bedroom, Vastu suggests the following plants as ideal:

  • Money plant: Place the money found at precipitous corners, to induce a stress-free aura. However, brand sure information technology gets some indirect sunlight. This creeper is one of the best air-purifying firm plants. So, make certain information technology has some support to grow.
  • Bamboo found: Bamboo plants are seen as ane of the luckiest plants equally per Vastu Shastra, likewise as Feng Shui. It requires minimal intendance and tin exist placed anywhere in the sleeping accommodation. Still, the south-east corner is the almost preferred area.
  • Lily plant: Lily plant is a symbol of happiness, peace and harmony. Lilies as well bring positive vibes and keep nightmares at bay.
  • Lavender plant: The relaxing smell of lavender is known for promoting inner peace. Yous tin place it near your bedside table to get the best of its aroma.

Remedy for Vastu dosha in the chamber

Here are a few simple remedies for Vastu dosha in the bedroom but it is always improve to consult a Vastu skillful and seek advice. Place a bowl of sea salt or camphor crystals in a north-east-facing sleeping room. Sea salt and camphor absorb negative energy and are recommended for removing any Vastu flaw. Paint the walls of a north-east-facing bedroom in white or yellow colour. Lavander fragrance helps to eliminate Vastu defects in the north-east direction. A north-westward bedchamber frequently brings wealth losses and stress in the lives of its occupants. Keeping a Chandra Yantra in the north-w corner may aid in fixing Vastu doshas.


Which colour is best for bedchamber according to Vastu?

Paint your bedroom fair, baby pink or cream. Avoid night colours. The room should be well-organised. Keep your bedroom make clean and clutter-free

Which is the best sleeping direction equally per Vastu?

South is the best direction for sleeping as per Vastu, with one'due south feet towards the north, if y'all want to have skilful quality sleep. More detailed info is bachelor in this article.

What should be the ideal bed position co-ordinate to Vastu?

According to Vastu, your bed should be placed with the caput towards the e or s.

Which are the ideal colours for the curtains according to Vastu?

Peppery red and black color defunction should exist avoided in the bedroom equally per Vastu. Opt for light colors curtains such as white, cream,light brown and greenish, pink and equally these colours help in relaxation.

What should one go on nether the pillow for practiced luck, according to Vastu?

For positive free energy and luck, keep a peacock feather nether your pillow at bedtime. One can likewise keep a religious book nether the pillow for peaceful sleep.

(With inputs from Aruna Rathod)

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